Saturday, August 1, 2009

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Would you place it in the Lost and Found?

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

No, I would glue wiggle eyes to it and adopt it as a new pet.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Yes, unless you know whose it is.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Hey! That was my cat!

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

no, just throw it away...or secretly try to match it to the backs of your co-workers hair when they aren't looking...that is a fun office game

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

I'd make fun of it first...

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Wear it.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

I'd try to find out whose it is...discretely. They'll appreciate it.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

I would wear it and see if anyone recognized me :)

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Hang it from the wall. Through the flourescence lighting so you make sure everyone can see.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

Yes i would as I'm sure the owner would be looking for it!!! lol. Unless you secretly knew who owned it and inconspicuously placed it somewhere near their desk etc where they could find it.

If you had found a hair extension, wig or toupee on the floor in an office.?

I would probably be as embarrassed as the person that lost it is. I would try and find the owner, without making a big issue out of it.

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