I'm really considering them because there is a great sale right now where I live. I have never had extensions before so any input or information about them is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What's the best hair extension method? does your hair get greasy when you get bonded cuz you can't wash it?
Not being able to wash your hair is a HUGE misconception. You do have to take some caution, but you can wash your hair and they won't fall out. The best and most expensive is the fusion technique. It is the way Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, and Brittany Spears get their hair done. Next option, and cheaper is getting the hair sewn in. Your hair is cornrowed (braided) to your scalp in certain sections and the extensions are sewn onto that braid. It's less expensive than the fusion technique. Most stylist will give you a free consult, so go for it!
What's the best hair extension method? does your hair get greasy when you get bonded cuz you can't wash it?
get fusion, really good, but kinda expensive, get human hair too
The best method is micro ring hair extensions